3 + 3的选项
在完成学士学位的同时完成DC课程的第一年. 洛根可以让你在六年内获得两个学位.
随着人们对保守的兴趣激增, 到2026年,无毒品医疗和对脊椎按摩师的需求预计将增长12%, BSLS学位为脊椎按摩职业提供了坚实的基础.
洛根’s BSLS will put you on the fast track to your future in natural, patient-centered health care. 在短短六年里, you can graduate confident and practice-ready with both a Bachelor of Science degree and your Doctor of Chiropractic.
Are you passionate about promoting health and wellness to diagnose and treat injuries and disease? 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行’s online 生命科学学士学位 (BSLS) will help fast-track your career in patient-centered health care.
今天开始你的学术之旅,让自己沉浸在生命科学领域. Degree requirements for 洛根’s BSLS program encourage students on a biology track to incorporate chemistry, 细胞生物学和应用科学更多地进入他们的研究.
安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行’s 生命科学学士学位 (BSLS) program is an accelerated approach for obtaining your BS in Life Science and 捏脊医学博士. 在短短六年里, you can graduate confidently and practice-ready with both a Bachelor of Science degree and your Doctor of Chiropractic.
A bachelor’s degree in life science establishes an understanding of the anatomy and functions of the human body, 以及治疗和治疗的新方法. 注重病人健康和临床护理, 洛根的BSLS项目为学生毕业后的健康相关职业服务做准备.
This degree enables students to analyze and determine human physical and behavioral wellbeing by combining advanced research and immersive labs. 使用最新的技术和工具, 学生探讨饮食的关系, 营养, 以及对人体的健身.
- 完成网上申请.
- For High School graduates and any student with less than 24 semester hours of undergraduate coursework (after
高中毕业):- Request that an official transcript be sent directly to 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 from accredited High School. 申请人高中或本科就读多所院校, 每所学校的正式成绩单必须直接寄给洛根.
- 2.高中的CGPA(未加权)5分.
- ACT/SAT Score (within 7 years) – 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 does not offer pre-college/ remedial level course work. SAT/ACT scores are used to help determine preparedness for college level English and math course work at the minimum of the 100 level.
- ACT综合分数最低:23分
- SAT综合成绩最低:1100分
- 高中CGPA(未加权)在2之间的学生.0 to 2.49可以向招生委员会提出申请.
- 学生将被编码为AATP-PREQ.
- 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 reserves the right to outline special conditions of acceptance for AATP-PREREQ students they believe will optimize a student’s chances for success such as reduced course loads, 需要辅导, 需要与学业成功教练会面, 等.
- 学生 without ACT/SAT Score may appeal for Alternative 招生 acceptance to the 招生 Committee.
- 学生将被编码为AATP-PREQ.
- 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 reserves the right to outline special conditions of acceptance for AATP-PREREQ students they believe will optimize a student’s chances for success such as reduced course loads, 需要辅导, 需要与学业成功教练会面, 等.
- For transfer students with 24 or more semester hours of undergraduate coursework (after 高中毕业):
- Request that an official transcript be sent directly to 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 from all accredited institutions. 申请人是否曾在多所院校完成本科课程, 每所学校的正式成绩单必须直接寄给洛根.
- 2.5 CGPA(未加权).
- 本科CGPA(未加权)在2之间的学生.0 to 2.49可以向招生委员会提出申请.
- 学生将被编码为AATP-PREQ.
- 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 reserves the right to outline special conditions of acceptance for AATP-PREREQ students they believe will optimize a student’s chances for success such as reduced course loads, 需要辅导, 需要与学业成功教练会面, 等.
- GED/HiSET/Home School -必须满足开始学士课程的要求之一:
- ACT/SAT Score (within 7 years) – 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 does not offer pre-college/ remedial level course work. SAT/ACT scores are used to help determine preparedness for college level English and math course work at the minimum of the 100 level.
- ACT综合分数最低:23分
- SAT综合成绩最低:1100分
- Complete 24 semester hours of undergraduate course work either at 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 as a none degree seeking student or complete them at another accredited institution.
- ACT/SAT Score (within 7 years) – 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 does not offer pre-college/ remedial level course work. SAT/ACT scores are used to help determine preparedness for college level English and math course work at the minimum of the 100 level.
- 国际申请者见手册“国际申请者”一节。.
随着人们对保守的兴趣激增, 到2026年,无毒品医疗和对脊椎按摩师的需求预计将增长12%, BSLS学位为脊椎按摩职业提供了坚实的基础.
安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行’s 生命科学学士学位 (BSLS) program is an accelerated approach for obtaining your BS in Life Science and 捏脊医学博士. 在短短六年里, you can graduate confidently and practice-ready with both a Bachelor of Science degree and your Doctor of Chiropractic.
洛根’s BSLS program provides a convenient and affordable way for students wanting to fast-track their degree process. The accelerated program is specifically designed for earning a BS in Life Science and 捏脊医学博士 by incorporating scientific research, 应用科学和研究机会.
洛根’s BSLS program gives you an accelerated option for obtaining your BS in Life Science and 捏脊医学博士. 而不是去读研究生成为一名脊椎按摩医生, 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 provides an efficient solution to earning your DC at the same time as your BSLS. 通过这个项目, gain the knowledge and skills to lead the future of natural health care at one of the nation’s first and most respected 脊椎按摩疗法学院. 通过我们灵活的在线课程,在最适合您的时间和地点获得学士学位.
注册BSLS项目的学生也可以申请洛根的DC项目. 学生必须同时满足这两个专业的入学要求. 除了完成在线申请, students must request that an official transcript be sent directly to 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 from accredited high school. 申请人必须有2.高中的CGPA(未加权)5分 and a minimum ACT composite score of 23 or a SAT minimum composite score of 1100.
这种多用途的学位有利于在卫生服务部门找到高薪工作. 生命科学学士学位可以为你从事多种职业做好准备, 无论他们是在临床还是非临床环境中. 在获得学位的同时, you will develop many important analytical and problem-solving skills that are necessary to navigate the life science field. Having a degree in life science allows you to work with cutting-edge technology and equipment while getting the opportunity to work with patients of all ages.
在成为脊椎指压治疗师之前, one must complete at least three years of undergraduate study in addition to a 捏脊医学博士 program. 这些DC项目可能需要三到五年的时间. 洛根的在线BSLS课程, students work toward their bachelor’s degree and 捏脊医学博士 at the same time. 在完成学士学位的同时完成DC课程的第一年. 洛根可以让你在六年内获得两个学位.
学生在攻读BSLS时必须达到学位要求. 这个学位的一些必修课程包括物理, 有机化学, 普通生物学, 以及社会和行为科学. 此外,动手实验课程需要完成这个学位课程. 在我们的网站上查看学位计划,了解更多关于我们不同课程的信息.
The BSLS from 洛根 will prepare you to apply scientific principles to the understanding of life phenomena, 做出基于证据的决策, 清楚地传达科学概念和更多.
1. 向不同的受众传达科学概念
2. 将科学原理应用于对生命现象的探究
3. 利用科学信息做出基于证据的决策
4. 展示对影响人类健康因素的理解
5. 运用解剖学知识预测生理反应
View the courses that you’ll take throughout your 生命科学学士学位 program.